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Abstract submission are open from 15 May 2023 and closes 28th of July 2023 at 17:00 h ACST.
Please prepare your abstract in line with the guidelines below. All abstracts will be subject to blinded peer-review. Accepted abstracts receive the possibility to give a presentation and are included in the meeting proceedings. Presenters must be registered for the meeting before abstracts will finally be accepted.


  • Abstracts on topics that do not fit within the scope of the ISAE and the conference theme or that do not comply with the standards will not be accepted.

  • Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 500 words.

  • Each presenting author may present only one paper.

  • The first name of authors, not just initials, should be given.

  • Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, the results, and conclusions. Results should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn.

  • A statement by which authors must confirm that the work described in the abstract conforms with the ISAE Ethical Guidelines.

  • Ordinarily references are not cited in abstracts, however, if given, they should be placed in the text of the abstract in the following format: (Jones & Swanson, Appl. Anim. Ethol. 14:23, 1980).


Abstract submissions closes 28th of July 2023



Firstname SecondName1, Firstname SecondName1 and Firstname SecondName2


1 Department of Animal Welfare Science, University of Excellence, New Zealand

2 Department of Applied Animal Welfare, University of Brilliance, Australia


Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 500 words, excluding the title and the authors’ names and addresses, which should be formatted as above. Please use Microsoft Word when submitting an abstract. Text should be in Calibri 11 pt font.


The title should be centred and in bold capital letters (as above). Authors who have contributed to the abstract should be identified using their first name and surname and centred under the title in bold upper and lower case. Superscript numbers should be used as necessary to indicate each author’s institutional address. Institutional addresses should be centred and in title case, with superscript number used to link them with author(s) as necessary. Each address should start on a new line. The email address of the main author to be contacted with regard to the abstract in italics should follow. A blank line should precede the text. The text should clearly and concisely outline the main findings or premise without reference(s) to other text or paper or to future findings. Abstract text should be justified alignment. It can include graphs or tables but must fit on one side of A4. Abstracts presenting theoretical or empirical work related to ethology (applied behaviour science) will be considered for presentation.


Abstracts must include an ethics statement including animal and human ethics approval numbers where applicable.


Please send a copy of the abstract by email to the organising committee by the 28th of July 2023 and note clearly if you wish to be considered for a Student Scholarship Award using the Scholarship Form.


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